



Ostermarsch 2005


Grußbotschaft für den Ostermarsch Rheinland 2005 in Düsseldorf

Grüße an die Düsseldorfer Osterfriedensmarsch-Teilnehmer

Frank Cordaro (Düsseldorf)

Ostergrüße friedlich gesinnter Menschen aus den USA. Ich danke Euch für Eure öffentliche Friedensbekundung. Wir Christen leben in wahrlich dunklen Zeiten, besonders wir in den USA. Unser Glaube ist von den Kriegs- und Machtbesessenen enteignet und missbraucht worden. Die kriegerischen Aktivitäten meines Landes sind ein furchtbarer Skandal und eine große Tragödie. Während Ihr an diesem Ostersonntag für den Frieden marschiert, sollt Ihr nicht vergessen, dass es friedliebende Menschen in den USA gibt, die dabei sind, dasselbe zu tun. Möge der Geist des Lebens, der den Tod überwindet und Jesus aus dem Grab zum Leben erweckte, in unseren Frieden stiftenden Bemühungen sein, so dass unsere Menschheitsfamilie sich von der irrigen Verehrung des Kriegsgottes zur wahren Verehrung des Friedensgottes hinwendet, des Gottes, der Jesus aus dem Grab erweckt hat, der bedingungslos liebt und ohne Einschränkung vergibt und uns auffordert, diese Liebe und Vergebung auch zu zeigen.


Easter Greetings to Düsseldorf Easter Peace Marchers

by Frank Cordaro, Des Moines Iowa USA Catholic Worker

Easter Greetings from peace minded people of the USA. I thank you for your public show for peace. These are truly dark times we Christians live in, especially those of us in the USA. Our Faith has been hijacked by the makers of war and Empire. My county`s god- awful war making ways is a great scandal and tragedy. Known that while you are in Germany marching for peace this Easter Sunday, there are peace loving Americans doing the same in the USA. May the spirit of life over death, that raised Jesus from the tomb, be with our peace making efforts, to raise our human family from the false worship to the god of war to the true worship of the God of peace, the God who raised Jesus from the grave, who loves unconditionally and forgives unlimitedly and ask all of us to do the same.

Zur Person:

Frank Cordaro is a lifetime career activist for peace and justice. He currently resides in Des Moines, Iowa, as a member and founder of the Catholic Worker community providing daily hospitality to the local homeless community.

From 1985, to August of 2004, Cordaro served as a parish priest in rural southwest Iowa. During these years he continued his peace and justice work locally and nationally, serving 44 months of prison time for his acts of civil disobedience. Throughout his parish ministry, Cordaro has subscribed to a long tradition of civil disobedience as a model and means for effecting social change. Particularly, he identifies with the Berrigan brothers, Dan and Phil, and their direct action approach to peacemaking, based on a biblical Jesus, who was a radical, nonviolent, egalitarian reformer, acting his way to the Cross and inviting others to do the same.

Recently Cordaro established the Phil Berrigan House for Peace and Justice in the DM Catholic Worker community. Along with other community members, Cordaro has organized public programs and events designed to raise the awareness of the local community and others across the country to the values of direct action and community responsibility. He has been a guest lecturer in numerous forums for peace, has facilitated retreats and workshops, and has personally participated in local and regional actions.

Since leaving the active ministry, Cordaro has refocused his energy and is working full time on peace and justice concerns and is preparing a collection of his writings and sermons from the last 25 years.


Frank Cordaro - The Phil Berrigan Catholic Worker House, 713 Indiana St., Des Moines, IA

Frank Cordaro ist aktives Mitglied der Catholic Workers in Des Moines, Iowa USA,

Website: www.desmoinescatholicworker.org



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