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Beitrag zum Kunstpreis #ArtMakesPart 2021
Titel: Beirut is more beautiful by bike (in arabic: بيروت أحلى عالبسكليت)
Von: The Chain Effect
Beschreibung zum Werk:
This mural was painted in a neighborhood of Beirut called "Zukak El Blat," a central but marginalized area of the capital. The densely populated neighborhood faces a number of challenges in light of the large rural exodus and demographic changes following decades of civil war, as well as its relative geographic isolation due to car-oriented infrastructure development with major urban highways cutting the area off from the rest of the city. Our goal for the wall painting event was to engage residents of the neighbourhood, from different backgrounds, religions and areas, to join us in a collaborative wall-painting activity. We worked with a group of residents from Zukak el Blat and also invited direct neighbors and passersby to participate. We chose to adopt an Arabesque pattern with various characters cycling through arches as our overall mural theme, inspired by the beauty of local Lebanese architecture and heritage – notably referring to some of the neighbourhood's abandoned palaces (Heneine), vestiges of the area’s pre-civil war cosmopolitan and affluent past - and the diversity of its residents. We wanted to recall and revive the pride of the inhabitants in our common Lebanese heritage in order to overcome the sectoral and social divisions caused by the civil war. Through both this message of peace and tolerance, and the positive community engagement around the creation of the wall, we brought the neighbors of Zukak El Blat together.